PHP 8.4 is here!

PHP 8.4 is here!

November 26, 2024· Chad Carlson
Chad Carlson
·Reading time: 5 minutes

PHP 8.4 was officially released on November 21st, and with it comes a number of improvements and new features that you can - as of today - begin working with on your Upsun and projects.

How to upgrade

You can explore all that PHP 8.4 has to offer on your projects today.

Install the new version

First, follow the official instructions for installing PHP 8.4 on your computer:

Then you can check that it’s installed and accessible with:

php -r 'echo PHP_VERSION;'

Create a new environment

Create a branch dedicated to the latest version:

upsun branch php-84-testing

Upgrade your dependencies

Run the command:

composer upgrade

Upgrade your configuration

On Upsun:

    type: "php:8.4"

and on
name: "your_application"
type: "php:8.4"

At the time of this post, PHP 8.4 is still a part of the 24.11 Nix packages Beta channel. Beta channels are not yet supported for the Upsun and Composable image. As soon as it becomes available on the stable channel, you will be able to upgrade to PHP 8.4 as shown below.

On Upsun:

      - "php@8.4"

and on
name: "your_application"
  - "php@8.4"

And test the changes on the new environment with an upsun push. Once the environment is live, you can merge the upgrades now (upsun merge), then come back to visit many of the performance improvements and new features packaged in the release below. You can test the changes on the new environment with an upsun push. You can as always find more information about available extensions and PHP configuration in the Upsun and documentation.

A note on production upgrades:

There are some noted incompatibilities that come with this new minor version release that you should keep in mind when upgrading production environments. Consult those warnings and the links below for more details.

What’s changed in PHP 8.4?

With this release comes a number of resources to better understand what’s changed, and how those changes impact your applications:

New features

While there are a great number of improvements, updates, and added functions and subclasses in this release, much of the discussion up to this point has seemed to focus primarily on three enhancements in particular.

  1. Property hooks

    With much inspiration from Kotlin, Property hooks in PHP 8.4 allow for defining additional logic (such as validation) associated with an objects get/set operations.


    Object properties may now have additional logic associated with their get and set operations. Depending on the usage, that may or may not make the property virtual, that is, it has no backing value at all.

    class Person
        // A "virtual" property.  It may not be set explicitly.
        public string $fullName {
            get => $this->firstName . ' ' . $this->lastName;
        // All write operations go through this hook, and the result is what is written.
        // Read access happens normally.
        public string $firstName {
            set => ucfirst(strtolower($value));
        // All write operations go through this hook, which has to write to the backing value itself.
        // Read access happens normally.
        public string $lastName {
            set {
                if (strlen($value) < 2) {
                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Too short');
                $this->lastName = $value;
    $p = new Person();
    $p->firstName = 'peter';
    print $p->firstName; // Prints "Peter"
    $p->lastName = 'Peterson';
    print $p->fullName; // Prints "Peter Peterson"


    Consider the following:

    If you’re looking for even more background into not just the impact of property hooks, but also the history behind the RFC process in conjunction with Asymmetrics Visibility to replace the older Property Accessors RFC, be sure to check out the great article by Larry Garfield on the topic on the PHP foundation website - How Property Hooks Happened.

  2. Asymmetric visibility

    While the visibility of get and set object operations have historically been “symmetric” - that is, both must be public, private, or protected - PHP 8.4 allows for asymmetrics definitions in your objects.


    Object properties may now have their set visibility controlled separately from the get visibility.

    class Example
        // The first visibility modifier controls the get-visibility, and the second modifier
        // controls the set-visibility. The get-visibility must not be narrower than set-visibility.
        public protected(set) string $name;
        public function __construct(string $name)
            $this->name = $name;


  3. Lazy objects

    PHP 8.4 takes the responsibility of the lazy-initialization of object out of userland, bringing it into the PHP engine itself.


    It is now possible to create objects whose initialization is deferred until they are accessed. Libraries and frameworks can leverage these lazy objects to defer fetching data or dependencies required for initialization. Object properties may now have their set visibility controlled separately from the get visibility.

    class Example
        public function __construct(private int $data)
        // ...
    $initializer = static function (Example $ghost): void {
        // Fetch data or dependencies
        $data = ...;
        // Initialize
    $reflector = new ReflectionClass(Example::class);
    $object = $reflector->newLazyGhost($initializer);



You can find a list of all deprecations for PHP 8.4 on the wiki.

What’s next?

With 8.4 now released, the road to 8.5 begins with a new round of discussion and voting on RFCs, so be sure to follow the debate there.

Otherwise, you’re all set! Join us in the Discord and let us know how it goes.

Be seeing you!

Last updated on