Discord FAQ

Discord FAQ

Why did the message I post disappear?
  • Bots and moderators often remove messages that are against our rules.
  • Do not post it again, the bot may exclude you from the server if you do.
How do I report bad behaviour?
  • If the behaviour you would like to report occurs on this Discord, mention @Mods or @Admins and where it happened.
  • If you want to report an abuse to Upsun, Direct Message one of our @Mods or @Admins to report.
How can I get help with Upsun?
  • We do not provide official Support on Discord.
  • If you have an incident, please create a support ticket.
  • First thing to do is to check the Upsun documentation.
  • Then, you can ask the community on Discord or in the forum channels.
  • Do not post personal information on Discord nor in private messages.
  • If you still need help, open a ticket/contact the support team.
  • The only exception is when the product or service is in BETA phase, then we will be there in best-effort to help you in your journey.
Do not ping or direct message staff members/moderators to get help/support; you will be banned from the Discord.
How to get the @Partner role?
  • This role is dedicated to companies that are members of the Platform.sh Partner Program (or partnering with Upsun).
  • If your company is member of the Platform.sh Partner Program we can provide you the partner role here on Discord.
  • Append - <Company name> to your Discord display name on this server (replace <Company name> with your own company name).
  • Reach our Partner Program team from your professional email address.
  • Provide your company name (member of the partner program) and your discord username (it will be shown inside the popup when clicking your name on the bottom left of the Discord client) and ask them for the Discord partner role.
You must keep your company name in your nickname on this server or your role will be revoked.
How to get the @Invited_mods role?
  • This role is for chosen community members helping us moderate the Discord community.
  • We grant this role to certain members of the community who distinguish themselves over the long term by participating and helping other members, at our sole discretion. Please do not request this role, as we do not accept applications.
How to get the @Team role?
  • This role is dedicated to Upsun and Platform.sh employees.
  • If you are an Upsun/Platform.sh employee, we can provide you the staff role on Discord: from the internal communication system, please contact the Discord moderators internally to request this role.