How to contribute an article to the Dev Center

Setting up

  1. In a terminal window, run this site locally via Docker.

  2. In another window, navigate into the repository, and run the following command from the dev folder:

    hugo new content content/posts/ --kind post
    sh post article-title-slug

    Where article-title-slug should be a lowercase, slug-ified (i.e. recognizable, but unique) version of your article’s title.

  3. Navigate to the newly created file at content/posts/ in your IDE.

  4. Navigate to http://localhost:1313/community/content/posts/article-title-slug in your browser to view your edits in real time.

Create an author profile

This step is optional, even though you will be required to define an author in the next following step.

Articles are associated with authors, that are represented in your post by either:

  • Option 1: an author page at content/community/engage/people/

    If you are an employee of,, or Upsun and an author of the post, from the dev folder, run the command:

    hugo new content content/community/engage/people/ --kind author
    sh author your-name
    1. Navigate to the newly created file at content/community/engage/people/ in your IDE.
    2. Navigate to http://localhost:1313/community/engage/people/your-name in your browser to view your edits in real time.
    3. Follow the instructions in the resulting file to update your personal information on that author page.
  • Option 2: a GitHub profile at

    If an author page does not exist, Hugo will look for an author page on GitHub that matches a username your-name.

  • Option 3: a hardcoded string of the author’s name

    If neither an author page, nor a GitHub username exists for the post, a raw string like “FirstName LastName” will be accepted.

Posts can be attributed to up to three authors, each of whom can be defined by any of the options described above. This configuration comes in the next step, but will look like this:

  - your-name # Author 1: a file at content/community/engage/people/
  - collaboratorA # Author 2: links to a GitHub profile at
  - "Kate Austen" # Author 3: does not have an author page or a GitHub profile.

Update the front matter

Most of the changes you need to make at this point are to the front matter. The front matter contains variables that help tell Hugo how to display the page you’re adding.

# Don't touch these settings.
date: '{{ .Date }}'
    exclude: true
type: post


Follow the instructions below to update the required fields. Do not change values presented above between the ################################# lines as is indicated.

  1. Update the title attribute in the front matter of this file.

    title: "Include a short, descriptive title"
  2. Update the image attibute in the front matter of this file, if you have one you’d like to use. Otherwise, feel free to leave the default value.

    image: /images/red-background.webp

    The path /images/... above references the absolute path /static/images in the project repository. Place new images relative to that same path if using new ones.

  3. Update the author attribute array in the front matter of this file. Be sure to first follow the instructions above to define author profiles if needed.

      - your-name # Author 1: a file at content/community/engage/people/
      - collaboratorA # Author 2: links to a GitHub profile at
      - "Kate Austen" # Author 3: does not have an author page or a GitHub profile.
  4. Update the categories attribute array in the front matter of this file. Choose only one of the listed available categories, and comment out the rest.

    #   - core-concepts
    #   - discussions
    #   - experiments
      - how-tos
    #   - releases
    #   - tutorials

    The categories are summarized at /posts/#article-categories

    Tagging a post with the category featured will promote it to show on the /posts/ page.

    • You may need to restart the Hugo process after changing the categories.
  5. (Optional) Update the link attribute in the front matter of this file. Only update this value if you want to list an article that is hosted externally somewhere, such as on the Upsun blog or the Upsun acccount.

    link: ""

Update your content

Replace content within the article with your own. Feel free to use the Text formatting for styling tips and common components.

When you’re finished, push to the repository and open a merge request.

Thanks for contributing!